When Daddy Comes Home

He was physically and emotionally drained.

The long illustrious walk had somehow enveloped him in its air of evergreen mystery.  He had forgotten the magic of the Drakenberg mountains.

 He was however filled with anticipation and maybe if he was to admit, some excitement. But the history of disappointment and unrequited love cautioned him.

He shook the anxiety that teased from the lapels of his memory.  An Insecurity born from the constant want for a love that seemed to reject him;  a craving that haunted him and had him tossing in his sleep. Shadows of past ghosts and accusation.  Knots tied by arrangement - if only canyons could speak.

The fresh breeze cooled his flushed face. Squirrels scurried and the soft hush of the canyons wings carried curses long forgotten.  Marine drive did little to assuage his wariness but the future called to him like a young heart.

His eyes were fixed ahead as he neared the end of the stretch.

Cascading Hair over slim shoulders, taller than he remembered - though not tall at all. She ran towards him like a young deer rushing to a brooke; as if she had not seen him in years.

He had not seen her for 8 years; not since her mother ..... He was rooted. She flung herself into his waiting arms. Her brilliance imprisoning his speech.  He scrunged scented hair as he brought it to his face and revelled in its silkiness.

She burst into his chest and held onto him like a drowning rabbit. He was transfixed. Pain drained from his wounds as love healed the too many broken years.

Splendour raised her smiling eyes and hands to his sun beaten face, “Welcome home Daddy”.

And in a moment of inescapable beauty Philip Tyler knew that love had finally found him.


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